July Events

1st Monday
• Adult Bible Study 10:00 am
• NO UWFaith
• CAT Task Force Meeting 6:30 pm
• TOPS Group 5:15 pm

2nd Tuesday
• Trustees Meeting 7:00 pm

3rd Wednesday
• Dorcas Circle 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
• Hispanic Bible Study (chapel) 7:00 pm

4th Thursday Independence Day
• NO Craft Group

5th Friday
• China Painters 9:30 am
• Hispanic Worship (chapel) 7:00 pm

7th Sunday Holy Communion
• Adult Sunday School 8:45 am
• Sunday School 9:00 am
• Worship Service 10:00 am
• Fellowship Time 11:00 am
• The Chosen Bible Study 4:00 pm
• Hispanic Worship (chapel) 1:00 – 3:00:pm

8th Monday
• Adult Bible Study 10:00 am
• The Chosen Bible Study 10:00 am
• TOPS Group 5:15 pm

9th Tuesday
• Finance Meeting 6:30 pm
• SPRC Meeting 6:30 pm

10th Wednesday
• Esther Circle 9:30 am
• Ad Council 7:00 pm
• Hispanic Bible Study (chapel) 7:00 pm

11th Thursday
• Craft Group 5:00 pm

12th Friday
• Hispanic Worship (chapel) 7:00 pm

13th Saturday
• Sandy McNamar Food Pantry 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

14th Sunday
• Adult Sunday School 8:45 am
• Sunday School 9:00 am
• Worship Service 10:00 am
• Fellowship Time 11:00 am
• The Chosen Bible Study 4:00 pm
• Hispanic Worship (chapel) 1:00 pm

15th Monday
• Bible Study 10:00 am
• The Chosen Bible Study 10.00 am
• Education Meeting 6:00 pm
• TOPS Group 5:15 pm

17th Wednesday
• Hispanic Bible Study (chapel) 7:00 pm
• Diane out of the office

18th Thursday
• Craft Group 5:00 pm
• Diane out of the office

19th Friday
• Hispanic Worship (chapel) 7:00 pm
• Diane out of the office

20th Saturday
• Caller Deadline
• All Church Breakfast 8:00 am Come at 7:00 am if you would like to help.

21st Sunday
• Adult Sunday School 8:45 am
• Sunday School 9:00 am
• Worship Service 10:00 am
• Fellowship Time 11:00 am
• The Chosen Bible Study 4:00 pm
• Hispanic Worship (chapel) 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

22nd Monday
• Bible Study 10:00 am
• The Chosen Bible Study 10:00 am
• TOPS Group 5:15 pm

24th Wednesday
• Hispanic Bible Study (chapel) 7:00 pm

25th Thursday
• Craft Group 5:00 pm

26th Friday
• Hispanic Bible Study (chapel) 7:00 pm

27th Saturday
• Eve Circle 9:30 am
• Sandy McNamar Food Pantry 2:00 – 5:00 pm
• Community Meal 5:00 pm

28th Sunday
• Adult Sunday School 8:45 am
• Sunday School 9:00 am
• Worship Service 10:00 am
• Fellowship Time 11:00 am
• The Chosen Bible Study 4:00 pm
• Hispanic Worship (chapel) 1:00 pm
• UWFaith Summer Picnic & Hymn Sing (in Fellowship Hall) 6:00 pm

29th Monday
• Adult Bible Study 10:00 am
• The Chosen Bible Study 10:00 am
• TOPS Group 5:15 pm

31st Wednesday
• Hispanic Bible Study (chapel) 7:00 pm